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Mince Pies – But not how you know it!

29 Dec

Well, you’ll see these and say straight away “They’re not mince pies” and true, they’re not your traditional mince pie, but these are a twist on them!
I originally had one of these when visiting Jamie Olivers Italian in Bath earlier this month, and decided to give them a go. Although he puts pepper in them, it’s not essential!

They consist of puff pastry, rolled with mincemeat, and then put into a filo pastry case!

But really, give them a go! They’re delicious!


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Chocolate Chip Cookies

22 Dec

So Chocolate Chip Cookies…Very simple to make, but a little too long in the oven and these would be more like crisps rather than a soft, gooey cookie.

Perfect for presents, snacks or just something quick to rustle up for visitors!


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